authentic photos for authentic people


Posts in Personal
You Are...Heck Yeah.

I've known this sweet family for quite some time now. Britta and myself were pals when we worked at Milestones Photography 5 years ago (woah, we're getting old).  I remember being pregnant and suspecting she was as well. Turns out, my motherly instinct was right and she was due a mere two weeks after me! (sorry boss) Also turns out, she went into labor early and I went late.  Me and Kyle (my husband) were visiting their new baby, Edie, as we walked the halls with an IV cart in tow.  Our spunky girls Edie and Maggie were born a mere 17 hours apart from one another in the same hospital. It's one of my favorite stories ever. Oh and there's this story below, it's also one of my new favorites. Heck yeah!