authentic photos for authentic people


Posts tagged fargo storyteller

I received these beautiful words from a new friend today. I was so struck by them, I asked if she would allow me to share with you all and she kindly obliged.

" I'm in PA visiting my parents. My dad is really sick. I took these pictures in the farm house that my mom grew up in. Her grandfather built the house 200 years ago. My aunt, who owned it, died last summer. Her children have completely cleaned out the house and it's now for sale. I spent a lot of my childhood in that old house. I share this with you because you appreciate history and stories and photos. I'm just sad that I wasn't able to take more time to get good photos. The quick iphone photos can't take these images where I want them to go but if i had the time, talent, and gear, I would take awesome photos of this and title them "saying goodbye". T
his little trip is my good bye to my dad. i don't think i will see him again this side of heaven but what a blessing to have this special time with him. When I was younger my grandma called me his shadow. "  -Connie

Life is so fleeting. One day the memories we made will be all we have left on this earth of the ones we love.  Take time to make memories and take time to remember the ones that were made already.  Your story is important.