authentic photos for authentic people


Posts tagged fargo documentary photographer
Jones Family | Fargo Newborn Lifestyle Photographer

Oh this family. Ky contacted me while she was still pregnant to set up a couple sessions and I have been looking forward to this home session since! Now you all know that in home sessions are the beat of my heart, so when I walk into a home I'm already excited. These guys are low key, super kind, laid back and just a real joy to be around and we had such a great time! I'm looking forward to seeing the boys grow! 

New Look, New Year

Well hello 2017. I'm writing to apologize for being the worst blogger of 2016. I promise to be better this year. Well at least I promise to be sort of better this year. Because let's be real, life gets busy and this poor blog gets neglected sometimes. 

You will notice some changes around here though. 2017 is the year of authenticity for Northern Stories. I am committing to documenting your (and my own!) story authentically. Here's to real life. Here's to the moments that you love when you're lounging around in your sweatpants at home. Here's to not having to bribe your kiddo with candy for that perfect shot. Here's to spilled coffee and messy faces, dirty laundry and full sinks. To babies in diapers and tweens being tweens. Cheers to aunt Betty's sweet dance moves at your wedding and laughing when you mess up your vows because you're so dang excited. Here's to real life.